Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DYNAMICS

Cristina Samper Mejia


Doctoral Researcher
Research Training Group "DYNAMICS"

Hertie School and
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michaela Kreyenfeld


Cristina Samper Mejia is a former Master of Public Policy graduate at the Hertie School and is now pursuing her PhD.

She has a previous academic background in Mathematics and Liberal Arts. As a research assistant for Michaela Kreyenfeld she has been working on the project FEM: Female employment after migration, which looks at the employment behaviour of the most recent cohorts of female migrants in Germany from a life course perspective.

Her interests are in demography, social and labour market policy, migration and family. Besides, she is active for “Angehört”, an organization that gives refugees legal information on the asylum process in Germany.


Dissertation Title

"The employment behaviour of female migrants in Germany"