Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - DYNAMICS

António Valentim


Doctoral Researcher
Research Training Group "DYNAMICS"

Hertie School and
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver 


António Valentim is a PhD candidate at DYNAMICS. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology (University of Coimbra), a Master’s degree in Social and Cultural Psychology (London School of Economics and Political Science), and was an exchange student at the University of Helsinki.

António’s PhD dissertation studies the linkage between political elites and voters. In his dissertation, he studies how political parties react to shocks in voters’ preferences, how policies can influence inequalities in representation, and how voters react to changes in the composition and the behaviour of political elites. António addresses these questions in established democracies and applying causal inference methods with observational data.

Before joining DYNAMICS, António was a research assistant at the Weizenbaum Institute, and in a project funded by the Portuguese National Institute for Rehabilitation.


Dissertation Title

"Political Elites and Voters – Essays on Political Behaviour"