Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences - Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

BGSS Workshop for Work in Progress

with Sjoerd van Heck (Gen 2012), Mathias Poertner (Guest Researcher, University of California), Lenka Drazanova (Gen 2010), Ilyas Saliba (Gen 2013)
  • When Jul 07, 2015 from 12:00 to 04:00
  • Where Luisenstr. 56 (Haus 1), 10117 Berlin, Room 123
  • iCal

Dear doctoral researchers, guests, faculty members and friends of the BGSS,

we would like to cordially invite you to our BGSS Workshop for Work in Progress!

Preliminary program:

12am – 1pm: Sjoerd van Heck
Generation 2012
Presentation: tba
(Dissertation topic: Issue-Competition and Party Strategy. Explaining Mainstream Party Response to New Policy Issues)
1pm – 2pm: Mathias Poertner
Guest Researcher, University of California, Berkeley
Presentation: tba
(Dissertation topic: New Political Parties and Societal Linkages in Latin America)
2pm – 3pm: Lenka Drazanova
Generation 2010
Presentation: Where and Why Does Education Matter for Democracy? Explaining the Educational Effect on Tolerance
3pm – 4pm: Ilyas Saliba
Generation 2013
Presentation: tba
(Dissertation topic: Authoritarian Learning in times of Contentious Politics. Investigating the impact of learning on policy making during the Arab Uprisings)

With best wishes,
the BGSS Team