Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences - Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Department of Social Sciences | Berlin Graduate School of Social Science | Berlin Graduate School of Social Science | News and Events | News and Events | BGSS Graduate Workshop with Daniel McFarland & Jan Fuhse: 'Relational Sociology: Networks and Interaction'

BGSS Graduate Workshop with Daniel McFarland & Jan Fuhse: 'Relational Sociology: Networks and Interaction'

The Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) and the Section for Sociological Network Research in the German Sociological Association (DGS) call for applications to the 4th Berlin Workshop in Relational Sociology: Networks and Interaction
  • When Mar 30, 2015 12:00 to Mar 31, 2015 06:00
  • Attendees with Daniel McFarland (Stanford University) and Jan Fuhse (Humboldt University of Berlin)
  • iCal

Social networks are often seen as mere structural patterns of relations. Social relations, however, are not unproblematic entities. Rather, they exist only as inscribed and realized in interaction. The workshop will discuss conceptual advances and research methods tackling this nexus between interaction and networks: How do social networks unfold and evolve over the course of communicative events? How do networks affect social interaction? And how can we study interaction in networks / networks in interaction? We will be looking at key theoretical texts and empirical applications from the beginnings of network research to today. Also, the workshop hosts present and discuss their current research.

The workshop aims at doctoral and advanced master students as well as early post-docs. Participants will be expected to read extensive course material (120-150 pages) to facilitate meaningful discussion.

You can apply for participation with a short e-mail to doc-service.bgss (at) hu-berlin (dot) de, with a few sentences about your motivation, institutional background and current status (MA student, PhD, Postdoc, ...) until February 28, 2015. For questions regarding the workshop, please contact Jan Fuhse at mail (at) janfuhse (dot) de!