Working Paper Series
The BGSS Working Paper Series is a refereed online publication that aims to provide a forum for researchers from the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences, the Department of Social Sciences, and affiliated institutions to present their ongoing work to a wider academic audience. Contributions are welcome from diverse fields of research in political science and sociology using various methodological approaches. We accept research articles as well as critical literature reviews. Manuscript submissions receive independent feedback from at least two reviewers. Please note that publication as a working paper does not preclude later publication with a professional journal.
the Utility of Qualitative Network Analysis
(Petra Ahrens, 2011)
Keywords: Gleichstellungspolitische Netzwerke; Qualitative Netzwerkanalyse; Europäische Union; Frauenbewegung; Multilevel Governance | gender equality policy networks; Qualitative Network Analysis; European Union; women’s movements; multilevel governance
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Political and Institutional Determinants of Social Legislation
The Role of Veto Points, Veto Players, and Electoral Pressure
(Ellen M. Immergut and Tarik Abou-Chadi, 2010)
Keywords: Vetopunkte, Vetospieler, Electoral Pressure, Gesetzgebungstätigkeit, Wohlfahrtsstaaten | Veto Points, Veto Players, Electoral Pressure, Law Production, Welfare State
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Protest und Gewalt.
Zur Notwendigkeit einer empirischen Untersuchung situativer Interaktion
(Anne Nassauer, 2010)
Keywords: Gewalt, soziale Bewegungen, Mikrosoziologie, relationale Soziologie, kollektive Aktion | violence, social movements, micro-sociology, relational sociology, collective action
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Vereinbarkeit von Vaterschaft und Beruf.
Eine Analyse betrieblicher Hindernisse.
(Johanna Possinger, 2010)
Keywords: Familienpolitik, Elternzeit, Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie, Väter, Care | Family policy, parental leave, reconciliation of work and family, fathers, caring labour
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