Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences - Berlin Graduate School of Social Science


Photo: David Ausserhofer
Prof. Jutta Allmendinger, PhD

Sociology of Education and Labor Market Research


Prof. Talja Blokland, PhD

Urban- and Regional Sociology



Prof. Dr. Anette Fasang || Director of BGSS

Demography and Inequality


Photo: Rasmus Tanck
Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan


Integration Research and Social Policy



Dr. Stephan Gauch

Science Studies



Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards



Photo: David Ausserhofer

Dr. Heiko Giebler

Democracy & Democratization



Prof. Dr. Johannes Giesecke

Social Research & Methods


Photo: David Ausserhofer
Prof. Dr. Anselm Hager


International Relations


Photo: David Ausserhofer
Prof. Lena Hipp, PhD

Social Exchange Theory, Quantitative Methods, Labor and Labor Market



Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver

Comparative Political Behavior


Prof. Ruud Koopmans, PhD

Social Conflict and Change



Prof. Dr. Martin Kroh

Social Research & Methods



Prof. Dr. Philipp Lersch

Social inequality, Life Course, Social Policy



Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau

Social Inequality, Comparative Welfare State Research, Europeanization



Prof. Thomas M. Meyer, Ph. D.


Comparative Analysis of Political Systems



Prof. Dr. Jochen Müller


German Domestic Policy



Dr. phil. Magdalena Nowicka

Migration, Transnationalism, Cosmopolitanism, Conviviality, Theories of Space, European Integration, Qualitative Methods


Prof. Dr. Thamy Pogrebinschi

Democratic Theory, Latin America Politics, Democratic Innovations, Political Theory


Prof. Dr. Andreas Reckwitz

Social Theory and Cultural Sociology



Prof. Dr. Martin Reinhart

Science Studies / Sociology of Sciences


Prof. Dr. Zerrin Salikutluk

Social Sciences / Migration and Gender


Photo: Ina Tewesmeier
Prof. Dr. Hanna Schwander

Political Sociology and Social Policy



Dr. Julia Simonson



Photo: Robert Poorten
Prof. Dr. Philipp Staab

Sociology of the Future of Work



Prof. Dr. Silvia von Steinsdorff

Ernst-Fraenkel-Professor of Comparative Research on Democracy and Political Systems of Eastern Europe


Prof. Dr. Christian Volk

Political Theory


n Wagemann Claudius

Prof. Dr. Claudius Wagemann

Social Sciences


Bernhard Wessels
Photo: David Ausserhofer
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weßels

Democracy: Structures, Performance, Challenges


Prof. Dr. phil. Christine Wimbauer

Sociology and Gender


n Yurdakul Gökce

Prof. Gökce Yurdakul, PhD

Georg Simmel Professor of Diversity and Social Conflict


Prof. Dr. Sabine Zinn



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