Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Social Science Research Methods


Journal Articles


Eisnecker, Philipp and Martin Kroh. Forthcoming. The Informed Consent to Record Linkage in Panel Studies: Optimal Starting Wave, Consent Refusals, and Subsequent Panel Attrition. Public Opinion Quarterly.

Kuehne, Simon and Martin Kroh. 2016. Using Personalized Feedback to Increase Data Quality and Respondents' Motivation in Web Surveys? Social Science Computer Review: 1-12.

Koellinger, Philipp D. et al. 2016. Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment. Nature. 533: 539-542.

Hilgert, Luisa, Martin Kroh, and David Richter. Forthcoming. The Effect of Face-to-Face Interviewing on Personality Measurement. Journal of Research in Personality.

Kroh, Martin, Winter, Florin and Jürgen Schupp. 2016. Panel Conditioning Reconsidered: Using Person-Fit Measures to Assess the Impact of Survey Experience on Reliability. Public Opinion Quarterly.

Eibich, Peter et al. 2016. Exercise at Dierent Ages and Appendicular Lean Mass
and Strength in Later Life: Results from the Berlin Aging Study II. The Journals of
Gerontology: Series A.

Demuth, Ilja et al. 2015. Sports and Exercise at Dierent Ages and Leukocyte
Telomere Length in Later Life: Data from the Berlin Aging Study II. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Pforr, Klaus et al. 2015. Are Incentive Effects on Response Rates and
Nonresponse Bias in Large-Scale, Face-to-Face Surveys Generalizable to
Germany? Evidence from Ten Experiments. Public Opinion Quarterly.

Kroh, Martin. 2014. Growth Trajectories in the Strength of Party Identication:
The Legacy of Autocratic Regimes Electoral Studies 33: 90-110.

Schonlau, Matthias, Kroh, Martin und Nicole Watson. 2013. The Implementation
of Cross-Sectional Weights in Household Panel Surveys. Statistics
Surveys 7: 37-57.

Kroh, Martin. 2013. Growth Trajectories in the Strength of Party Idenfication:The Legacy of Autocratic Regimes. Electoral Studies 32.

Kroh, Martin. 2011. Die abnehmende Bedeutung des Elternhauses: Die intergenerationale
Übertragung von Parteibindungen in Deutschland 1984 bis
2010. Politische Vierteljahresschrift 45: 203-226.

Schonlau, Matthias, Watson, Nicole, and Martin Kroh. 2011. Household Survey
Panels: How Much do Following Rules Aect Sample Size? Survey
Research Methods 5: 53-61.

Spiess, Martin and Martin Kroh. 2010. A Selection Model for Panel Data: The
Prospects of Green Party Support. Political Analysis 18: 172-188.

Kroh, Martin. 2009. The Preadult Origins of Postmaterialism: A Longitudinal
Sibling Study. European Journal of Political Research 48: 598-621.

Kroh, Martin and Peter Selb. 2009. Inheritance and the Dynamics of Party
Identification. Political Behavior 31: 559-574.

Kroh, Martin, Pischner, Rainer, Spiess, Martin, and Gert G. Wagner. 2008. On
the Treatment of Non-Original Sample Members in the German Household
Panel Study (SOEP): Tracing, Weighting, and Frequencies. Methoden,
Daten, Analysen. Zeitschrift für Empirische Sozialforschung 2: 179-198.

Kroh, Martin. 2007. Measuring Left-Right Political Orientation: The Choice
of Response Format. Public Opinion Quarterly 71: 204-220.

Kroh, Martin. 2006. Taking Don't Knows as Valid Responses: A Complete
Random Imputation of Missing Data. Quality and Quantity 40: 225-244.

Van der Eijk, Cees, van der Brug, Wouter, Kroh, Martin, and Mark N. Franklin.
2006. Rethinking the Dependent Variable in Electoral Behavior: On the
Measurement and Analysis of Utilities. Electoral Studies 25: 424-447.

Zuckerman, Alan and Martin Kroh. 2006. The Social Logic of Bounded Partisanship
in Germany: A Comparison of West Germans, East Germans,
and Immigrants. Comparative European Politics 4: 65-93.

Kroh, Martin. 2005. Intervieweffekte bei der Erhebung des Körpergewichts in
Bevölkerungsumfragen. Journal of Public Health 67: 1-10.


Journal Articles under Revision


Kroeger, Hannes, Kroh, Martin, Kroll, Lars und Thomas Lampert. Einkommensunterschiede in der Mortalitat in Deutschland: Ein empirischer Erklärungsversuch (Revise and Resubmit at Zeitschrift fur Soziologie)

Kroh, Martin. The Gender Gap in Political Interest: Parental Role Modeling
and Sibling Differences (Revise and Resubmit at British Journal of
Political Science

Kroh, Martin. Unequal Political Voice and Family Background (Revise and Resubmit at British Journal of Sociology).

Kroh, Martin, Winter, Florin, and Denise Sassenroth. Measurement Error in Elderly Respondents: Comparing Web and Mailed Questionnaires. (submitted).


Books, Book Chapters, and Book Reviews


Kroh, Martin and Konstantin Käppner. 2016. Die Wirkung der Wahlbeteiligung auf das
politische Interesse von Erstwahlern. In Harald Schoen und Bernahrd Wessels (eds.)
Wahlen und Wahler: Aus Anla der Bundestagswahl 2013. Opladen: Westdeutscher

Bug, Mathias, Kati Krähnert, and Martin Kroh (eds.) 2015. Kriminalitat und Innere Sicherheit: objektive Lage und Wahrnehmung durch Medien und Politik. Berlin: Duncker

Kroh, Martin, Rainer Siegers, and Simon Kühne. 2015. Gewichtung und Integration von
Auffrischungsstichproben am Beispiel des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP). Jürgen
Schupp and Christof Wolf (eds.) Nonresponse Bias: Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Umfragen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag.

Kroh, Martin and Hannes Neiss. 2011. On the Causal Nature of the Relationship
between Internet Access and Political Engagement: Evidence from
German Panel Data. In Eva Anduiza, Mike Jensen, and Laia Jorba (eds.).
Comparing Digital Politics: Citizen Attitudes and Political Engagement.
Cambridge University Press.

Kroh, Martin and Harald Schoen. 2010. Politisches Engagement. In Peter
Krause and Ilona Ostner (eds.). Leben in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Eine
sozialwissenschaftliche Bilanz der deutschen Einheit 1990-2010. Campus.

Kroh, Martin. 2009. The Ease of Ideological Voting: Voter Sophistication
and Party System Complexity. In Hans-Dieter Klingemann (ed.). The
Comparative Study of Electoral Systems. Oxford University Press.

Kroh, Martin and Peter Selb. 2008. The Origins of Durable Partisanships. In
John Bartle and Paolo Bellucci (eds.). Party Identification, Social Identity
and Political Experience: Partisanship. Routledge.

Goebel, Jan, Grabka, Markus, Krause, Peter, Kroh, Martin, Pischner, Rainer,
Sieber, Ingo and Martin Spiess. 2008. Mikrodaten, Gewichtung und
Datenstruktur der Längsschnittstudie Sozio-oekonomisches Panel (SOEP).
In Joachim Frick, Olaf Groh-Samberg, Jürgen Schupp, and Katharina
Spiess (eds). Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Vol. 3. Berlin:
Duncker & Humblot.

Kroh, Martin. 2007. Book Review: A Unified Theory of Party Competition by
James F. Adams, Samuel Merrill III, and Bernard Grofman. Cambridge
University Press. Acta Politica 42: 476-478.

Ferrer-I-Carbonell, Ada, Grabka, Markus, and Martin Kroh (eds). 2007. Proceedings
of 7th International Conference of SOEP Users (SOEP2006).
Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (1) 127.

Kroh, Martin, van der Brug, Wouter, and Cees van der Eijk. 2007. Prospects
for Electoral Change. In Wouter van der Brug and Cees van der Eijk
(eds.). European Elections and Domestic Politics: Lessons from the Past
and Scenarios for the Future. University of Notre Dame Press.

Kroh, Martin. 2006. Das Politische Interesse Jugendlicher: Stabilität oder
Wandel? In Frank Brettschneider, Jan van Deth, and Edeltraud Roller
(eds.). Jugend und Politik: "Voll normal!". Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Kroh, Martin. 2003. Parties, Politicians, and Policies: Orientations of Vote
Choice Across Voters and Contexts. Amsterdam: Dissertation of the UvA.


Contributions to a Wider Audience


Brücker, Herbert et al. 2016. IAB-BAMF-SOEP Befragung von Geflüchteten: Flucht,
Ankunft in Deutschland und erste Schritte der Integration. DIW Wochenbericht 46.

Schupp, Jürgen, Herbert Brücker, Martin Friedrich, Yuliya Kosyakova, Martin Kroh, David Richter. 2016. Werte, Personlichkeitsmerkmale, soziale Beziehungen und subjektives Wohlbefinden. In: Herbert Brücker, Nina Rother und Jürgen Schupp (Hrsg.). IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten: Überblick und erste Ergebnisse. DIW Berlin: Politikberatung kompakt 116.

Kroh, Martin und Karolina Fetz. 2016. Wie wird der Migrationsstatus in wissenschaftlichen Befragungen erhoben? Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie 66: 410.

Lengfeld, Holger and Martin Kroh. 2016. Solidarity with EU Countries in Crisis: Results of
a 2015 Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) Survey DIW Economic Bulletin 39. (In German:
Solidaritat mit in Not geratenen Landern der Europaischen Union: Ergebnisse einer
Befragung des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels 2015. DIW Wochenbericht 39.)

Salikutluk, Zerrin, Johannes Giesecke and Martin Kroh. 2016. Refugees enter the labor
market later than other migrants. DIWEconomic Bulletin 34. (In German: Geflüchtete
nahmen in Deutschland spater eine Erwerbstätigkeit auf als andere MigrantInnen. DIW
Wochenbericht 35.)

Eisnecker, Philipp, Johannes Giesecke, Martin Kroh, Elisabeth Liebau, Jan Marcus, Zerrin
Salikutluk, Diana Schacht, C. Katharina Spiess, and Franz Westermaier. 2016. Integrating refugees: insights from the past. DIW Economic Bulletin 34. (In German:
Die Integration Geflüchteter: Erkenntnisse aus der Vergangenheit. DIW Wochenbericht

Kroh, Martin und Karolina Fetz. 2016. Das Profil der AfD-AnhängerInnen hat sich seit
Gründung der Partei deutlich verändert. DIW Wochenbericht 34.

Arnold, Felix, Ronny Freier, and Martin Kroh. 2015. Political Culture Still Divided 25
Years after Reunication? DIW Economic Bulletin 37. (In German: Geteilte politische
Kultur auch 25 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung? DIW Wochenbericht 37.)

Bug, Mathias, Martin Kroh und Kristina Meier. 2015. Regional Crime Rates and Fear
of Crime: WISIND Findings. Economic Bulletin 12. (in German: Regionale Kriminalit
atsbelastung und Kriminalitatsfurcht: Befunde der WISIND-Studie. DIWWochenbericht

Herbert Brücker, Ingrid Tucci, Simone Bartsch, Martin Kroh, Parvati Trübswetter
und Jürgen Schupp. 2014. Neue Muster der Migration. DIW Wochenbericht
43: 1126-1135.

Kroh, Martin and Christian Könnecke. 2014. Poor, Unemployed, and Politically
Inactive? DIW Economic Bulletin 1: 3-14.

Schupp, Jürgen, Goebel, Jan, Kroh, Martin and Gert G.Wagner. 2013. Zufriedenheit
in Deutschland so hoch wie nie nach der Wiedervereinigung - Ostdeutsche
signikant unzufriedener als Westdeutsche. DIW Wochenbericht

Kroh, Martin and Christian Konnecke. 2013. Arm, arbeitslos und politisch
inaktiv? DIW Wochenbericht 42.

Kroh, Martin, Neiss, Hannes, Kroll, Lars and Thomas Lambert. 2012. Menschen mit hohem Einkommen leben länger. DIW Weekly Report 38.

Kroh, Martin and Jürgen Schupp. 2011. Alliance '90/The Greens at the Crossroads:
On Their Way to Becoming a Mainstream Party? DIW Economic
Bulletin 3

Kroh, Martin and Jürgen Schupp. 2011. Bündnis90/Die Grünen auf dem Weg
zur Volkspartei? DIW Weekly Report 12.

Krause, Peter, Goebel, Jan, Kroh, Martin and Gert G. Wagner. 2010. 20
Jahre Wiedervereinigung: Wie weit Ost- und Westdeutschland zusammen-
gerückt sind. DIW Weekly Report 44.

Tucci, Ingrid and Martin Kroh. 2010. Die Wählermacht der Zuwanderer.
Rheinische Post, 03.05.

Kroh, Martin and Ingrid Tucci. 2010. The Party Identification of Germany's
Immigrant Population: Parties Should Not Fear Eased Naturalization Requirements.
DIW Weekly Report 4.

Kroh, Martin and Ingrid Tucci. 2009. Parteibindung von Migranten: Parteien
brauchen erleichterte Einbürgerung nicht zu fürchten. DIW Wochenbericht

Kroh, Martin and Tom Siedler. 2008. Die Anhänger der Linken: Rückhalt quer
durch alle Einkommensschichten. DIW Wochenbericht 41.

Kroh, Martin. 2008. Kein Volk von Hedonisten. Welt am Sonntag, 07.12., p 12.

Kroh, Martin. 2008. Value Change: More and More Germans Showing a Postmaterialistic
Orientation. DIW Weekly Report 13.

Kroh, Martin. 2008. Wertewandel: Immer mehr Ost- und Westdeutsche sind
Postmaterialisten. DIW Wochenbericht 34.

Kroh, Martin. 2005. Die Sorgen der Bevölkerung über die Folgen der EU-Erweiterung.
DIW Wochenbericht 11.


Discussion Papers and Technical Reports


Kroh, Martin, Simon Kühne, Jan Goebel, and Friedrike Preu. 2015. The 2013 IAB-SOEP
Migration Sample (M1): Sampling Design and Weighting Adjustment. SOEP Survey
Papers 271.

Kroh, Martin, Simon Kühne, and Rainer Siegers. 2014. Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2014). SOEP Survey Papers 297.

Kroh, Martin, Konstantin Käppner, Simon Kühne. 2014. Sampling, Nonresponse, and
Weighting in the 2011 and 2012 Refreshment Samples J and K of the Socio-Economic
Panel. SOEP Survey Papers 260.

Kroh, Martin and Rainer Siegers. 2014. Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2013). DIW Data Documentation 75.

Brücker, Herbert, Martin Kroh, Simone Bartsch, Jan Goebel, Simon Kühne, Elisabeth
Liebau, Parvati Trübswetter, Ingrid Tucci, and Jürgen Schupp. 2014.
The New IAB-SOEP Migration Sample: An Introduction into the Methodology
and the Contents. SOEP Survey Papers 216.

Sassenroth, Denise, Kroh, Martin and Gert G. Wagner. 2013. Selectivity Processes
in and Weights for the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II). SOEPpapers

Schröder, Mathis, Sassenroth, Denise, Kortner, John, Kroh, Martin and Jurgen
Schupp. 2013. Experimental Evidence of the Eect of Monetary Incentives
on Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Response: Experiences from the
Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). SOEPpapers 603.

Kroh, Martin. 2013. Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in
the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2012). DIW Data

Sassenroth, Denise, Kroh, Martin and Gert G. Wagner. 2013. Selectivity Processes
in and Weights for the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II). SOEPpapers

Kroh, Martin. 2012. Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in
the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2011). DIW Data
Documentation 66.

Kroh, Martin. 2012. Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in
the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2011). DIW Data
Documentation 59

Kroh, Martin. 2011. Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in
the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2010). DIW Data
Documentation 59

Schonlau, Matthias and Martin Kroh. 2010. On the Equivalence of Common
Approaches to Cross Sectional Weights in Household Panel Surveys.
SOEP Discussion Paper 313.

Kroh, Martin. 2010. Documentation of Sample Sizes and Panel Attrition in
the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until 2009). DIW Data
Documentation 50

Kroh, Martin. 2008. The Preadult Origins of Post-Materialism: A Longitudinal
Sibling Study. DIW Discussion Paper 797.

Spiess, Martin, Kroh, Martin, Pischner, Rainer, and Gert G. Wagner. 2008. On
the Treatment of Non-Original Sample Members in the German Household
Panel Study (SOEP): Tracing, Weighting, and Frequencies. SOEP
Discussion Paper 98

Spiess, Martin and Martin Kroh. 2008. Documentation of Sample Sizes and
Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until
2006). DIW Data Documentation 27.

Winkler, Niels, Kroh, Martin, and Martin Spiess. 2006. Entwicklung einer
deutschen Kurzskala zur zweidimensionalen Messung von sozialer Erwünschtheit.
DIW Discussion Paper 579.

Kroh, Martin. 2006. An Experimental Evaluation of Popular Well-Being Measures.
DIW Discussion Paper 546.

Kroh, Martin and Martin Spiess. 2006. Documentation of Sample Sizes and
Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until
2005). DIW Data Documentation 15.

Kroh, Martin. 2005. Surveying the Left-Right Dimension: The Choice of a
Response Format. DIW Discussion Paper 491.

Kroh, Martin and Martin Spiess. 2005. Documentation of Sample Sizes and
Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until
2004). DIW Data Documentation 6.

Zuckerman, Alan S. and Martin Kroh. 2004. The Social Logic of Bounded
Partisanship in Germany: A Comparison of Veteran Citizens (West Germans),
New Citizens (East Germans), and Immigrants. DIW Discussion
Paper 450

Kroh, Martin. 2004. Taking 'Don't Knows' as Valid Responses: A Complete
Random Imputation of Missing Data. DIW Discussion Paper 442.

Kroh, Martin. 2004. Intervieweekte bei der Erhebung des Körpergewichts: Die
Qualität von umfragebasierten Gewichtsangaben. DIW Discussion Paper 439.

Spiess, Martin and Martin Kroh. 2004. Documentation of Sample Sizes and
Panel Attrition in the German Socio Economic Panel (SOEP) (1984 until
2003). DIW Data Documentation 1.