Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Social Science Research Methods

Conference Presentations and Invited Talks


Ziehung einer Stichprobe von Flüchtlingen auf Basis des AZR. Expertworkshop "Studiendesign für eine empirische Untersuchung der Lebenssituation und Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland", Berlin 2015.

Does Personalized Feedback Increase Respondent Motivation? 12th European Sociological Association Conference, Prague 2015 (with Simon Kühne).

Mode Effects in Personality Measurement : An Experimental Investigation of the Interviewer's Influence. Sixth Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik 2015 (with Luisa Hilgert and David Richter).

Using Panel Data to Identify Interviewer Effects? A Comparison with Common Interviewer Effect Identification Strategies. Sixth Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik 2015 (with Simon Kühne).

Does Personalized Feedback Increase Respondent Motivation? Sixth Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Reykjavik 2015 (with Simon Kühne).

Panel Conditioning Reconsidered: Survey Experience and Data Quality. Panel Survey Methods Workshop, Ann Arbor 2014 (with Jürgen Schupp).

Influences of Incentives on Response Rates and Sample Selection - Evidence from the SOEP. 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, July 15-19, 2013, Ljubljana/Slowenia (with Denise Sassenroth, Jürgen Schupp, and Mathis Schröder).

Total Survey Error in Web and Mail Interviews Among the Elderly. 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, July 15-19, 2013, Ljubljana/Slowenia (with Denise Sassenroth).

Interviewer Effects in Face-To-Face Surveys: The Role of Cognitive Ability and Personality. 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, July 15-19, 2013, Ljubljana/Slowenia (with Denise Sassenroth).

Interviewer Effects in Face-To-Face Surveys: The Role of Cognitive Ability and Personality. Workshop Explaining Interviewer Effects in Interviewer Mediated Surveys. April 4-5, 2013, Mannheim/Germany (with Denise Sassenroth).

Interviewer Effects in Face-To-Face Surveys: The Role of Cognitive Ability and Personality. International Panel Survey Methods Workshop. July 4-5, 2012, Melbourne/Australia.

Mobilization by Opportunity? Direct Democratic Reforms and Political Involvement in Germany. Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association. June 21-23, 2012, Berlin/Germany (with Harald Schoen).

The Origins of Political Inequality: Economic and Political Life-Courses of Siblings.
Workshop on Change in Political Attitudes: Panels and Experiments,
June 7-8, 2012, Barcelona/Spain.

Growth Trajectories in Partisanship: The Legacy of Autocratic Regimes. Workshop
on Age, Period, and Cohort Models, March 16-17, 2012, Oxford/UK.

Personality, Politics, and Partnership. American Political Science Association
Annual Meeting, September 1-4, 2011, Seattle/USA.

Mobilization by Opportunity? Direct Democracy and Political Engagement.
6th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research,
August 25-27, 2011, Reykjavik/Iceland (with Harald Schoen).

Personality Traits and Interviewer Effects in Face-To-Face Surveys. 4th Conference
of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), July 18-22,
2011, Lausanne/Switzerland.

Cross Sectional Weights in Household Panel Surveys: Approaches and Conditions
for their Equivalence. 4th Conference of the European Survey
Research Association (ESRA), July 18-22, 2011, Lausanne/Switzerland
(with Matthias Schonlau).

Incentives and response rates: Experience from the SOEP-innovation-sample
2009. 4th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA),
July 18-22, 2011, Lausanne/Switzerland (with Jürgen Schupp).

The Origins of Political Inequality: Economic and Political Life-Courses of
Siblings. Forschungskolloquium Institut für Sozialwissenschaften an der
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 11. Mai 2011, Berlin/Germany.

Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Weighting of Surveys. Kolloquium der Abteilung
für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Robert-Koch Instituts,
Berlin 2011.

Mobilization by Opportunity? Direct Democracy and Political Interest. Fachtagung
der Sektion Politische Psychologie, Mannheim 2011 (with Harald

The Origins of Political Inequality: Economic and Political Life-Courses of
Siblings. Kolloquium des Mannheimer Zentrums für Europäische Sozialforschung
(MZES), Mannheim 2011.

Strategies for Achieving a High Response Rate in SOEP. Workshop on Survey-
Methodology at GESIS, 2010, Mannheim 2010 (with Jürgen Schupp).

The Formative Period of Party Identification: Parental Education in Childhood
and Adolescence. 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association, Washington DC 2010.

Estimation of a Panel Selection Model. Conference on Statistical Analysis of
Longitudinal / Panel Data Structures Arising from Complex Interdisciplinary
Questions, Bielefeld 2010 (with Martin Spiess).

Behavioral Experiments: Enrichment or Threat to General Population Surveys?
Conference of the Priority Programme on Survey Methodology of the German
Research Foundation (DFG), Bremen 2009 (with Martin Spiess).

The Origins of Political Inequality: Economic and Political Life-Courses of
Siblings. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,
Toronto 2009.

Internet Access and Political Engagement: Self-Selection or Causal Effect? Annual
Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Toronto 2009
(with Hannes Neiss).

The Gender Gap in Political Interest: Parental Role Modeling and Sibling Differences.
European Consortium of Political Research, General Conference,
Potsdam 2009.

The Origins of Political Inequality: Economic and Political Life-Courses of Siblings.
European Consortium of Political Research, General Conference,
Potsdam 2009.

Supporters of the CDU/CSU and FDP: Potential for a New Conservative Party?
Ministry of State of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart 2009.

The Optimal Choice of Electoral Preference Data. Annual Meeting of the American
Political Science Association, Boston 2008 (with Cees van der Eijk).

Supporters of PDS.The Left: Establishment of a 5th Political Party in the
Electorate. Evangelische Akademie, Tutzing 2008.

Family Relationships and Behavioral Outcomes in the SOEP. 8th International
Conference of SOEP Users, Berlin 2008 (with Olaf Groh-Samberg and
Thomas Siedler).

A Selection Model for Panel Data: Green Party Support in a Longitudinal Perspective.
7th RC33 International Conference on Social Science Methodology,
University of Naples 2008 (with Martin Spiess).

A Selection Model for Panel Data: Green Party Support in a Longitudinal Perspective.
BHPS-2007 Conference, University of Essex 2007 (with Martin

A Selection Model for Panel Data: Green Party Support in a Longitudinal Perspective.
Annual Meeting of the Methods Section of the German Political
Science Association, University of Kassel 2007 (with Martin Spiess).

Family Relationships and Value Preferences. Joint Empirical Social Science
(JESS) Seminars, University of Essex 2007.

A Sibling Study of Value Preferences: Twenty-Year Panel Data on Post-Materialism.
Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago

The Stability and Reliability of Psychological Measures in the SOEP. 7th International
Conference of SOEP Users, Berlin 2006 (with Gert G. Wagner
and Jürgen Schupp).

Does Inheritance Make a Dffierence? European Consortium of Political Research,
Joint Sessions of Workshops, Nicosia 2006 (with Peter Selb).

Partisanship Inheritance: Parental Political Socialization or Social Status Stability?
European Consortium of Political Research, General Conference,
Budapest 2005 (with Peter Selb).

Measuring Subjective Well-Being: The Choice of Response Format and Mode
of Data Collection. European Association Survey Research, General Conference,
Barcelona 2005.

Measuring Subjective Well-Being: Response Format and Mode of Data Collection.
SOEP Workshop on Methodology and Measurement of Subjective
Variables, Berlin 2005.

The Social Logic of Bounded Partisanship in Germany: A Comparison of Veteran
Citizens (West Germans), New Citizens (East Germans), and Immigrants.
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association,
Chicago 2004 (with Alan Zuckerman).

Personal Voting: Individual and Contextual Determinants of Political Leadership.
Meeting of the German Political Science Association, Methods
Section, Lüneburg 2004.

The Political Interest of Young Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis of West Germans,
East Germans, and Immigrants. Meeting of the German Political
Science Association, Elections and Attitudes Section, Buchenbach 2004.

Parties, Politicians, and Policies: Orientations of Vote Choice Across Voters
and Contexts. Comparative Study of Electoral Systems, Plenary Session,
Stockholm 2003.

Contextual Variation in Voters' Reasoning: Voting in Systems of Single Party
and Coalition Governments. International Political Science Association,
World Congress, Durban 2003.

Utility, Preferences, and Choice. European Consortium of Political Research,
Joint Sessions of Workshops, Edinburgh 2003 (with Cees van der Eijk).

Alchemy or Science? Discrete Choice Models for Analyzing Voter Choice in
Multi-Party Contests. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science
Association, Boston 2002 (with Cees van der Eijk).

The Uncertainty of Turnout: Information and Political Participation in the EU.
European Consortium of Political Research, Joint Sessions of Workshops,
Turin 2002.