Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences - Berlin Graduate School of Social Science

Programme Structure

The Doctoral Programme follows a three year's curriculum with the following modules and progress milestones:

  • Dissertation supporting courses: Colloquia and methodological courses where projects are regularly presented in order to discuss and reflect on dissertation topics and projects with peers and faculty.
  • Research Design and Methods: Aimed at deepening the knowledge and understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods and applying them to individual projects.
  • Additional Scientific Skills: Research stays, internships abroad, or at our partner institutions, participation in conferences, teaching assistantships, submission of papers and articles.
  • Work on the dissertation.


Please download here the detailed international doctoral program course curriculum.


For students who are accepted to the Sess.EuroPhD but are in need of additional training, a Preparatory Academic Training is offered that can last either one or two semesters, depending on the level of skills they have acquired and the prior training they have experienced. They may be advised to take courses from the list below, usually within associated social science or economic Master Programmes, in order to compensate for qualifications still lacking. Upon admission, the Scientific Board decides which preparatory courses an individual student should take and which can be waived.


Preparatory Academic Training
Courses CP Examination Requirements
General Sociology 10 Mid-term Examination
Political Theory 10 Mid-term Examination
Macro-Economic Theory 10 Mid-term Examination
Micro-Economic Theory 10 Mid-term Examination
Methodology of Social Research 5 -.-
Advanced Method Course 10 Data Analysis Paper
Specialising/Project Seminar 5 Term Paper/Approval of Pilot Project