Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Microsociology

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Anette Eva Fasang

Curriculum Vitae
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Anette Eva Fasang
anette.fasang (at)

Humboldt-Universität → Präsidium → Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät → Institut für Sozialwissenschaften → Mikrosoziologie
Visiting address
Universitätsstraße 3b , Room 225
Phone number
(030) 2093-66522
Mailing address
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin


Current Research Projects

"Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS) - Global Challenges for the Model of Liberal Democracy and Market Economy" [Link]

"High hopes and broken promises: Young adult life courses in Senegal (SCRIPTS)" [Link]

"Household structures and economic risks in East and West Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic: compensation or accumulation? (KOMPAKK)" [Link]


Research Interests

  • life course
  • stratification
  • social demography
  • family
  • comparative
  • welfare state
  • quantitative methodology


Short CV

Academic Positions
2023 -

Director (chair) of the Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin


Deputy director of the Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin


Academic Director of the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS)


Full Professor of Microsociology (W3), Humboldt University of Berlin

2011- 2019

Head of the research group Demography and Inequality, WZB Berlin Social Science Center


Assistant Professor of Demography (W1), Humboldt University of Berlin


Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course (CIQLE), Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven

2006 - 2007

Postgraduate Fellow, Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course (CIQLE), Yale University, New Haven

Awards and Honors

Elected Fellow of the European Academy of Sociology


Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research


Honorary Doctorate of the University of Turku


Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research


Visiting Positions

Fellow at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center


Stockholm Demography Unit (SUDA) and the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI),University of Stockholm, Sweden


Invited Fellow at Nuffield College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom


Hungarian Demographic Research Institute (HDRI), Budapest, Hungary


Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), Rostock, German


New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), United Arab Emirates


Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (ISERP), Columbia University, New York

2005 - 2009

Ph.D. in Sociology, Jacobs University, Bremen (Commitee: Klaus Schömann, Karl Ulrich Mayer, Silke Aisenbrey und Hilke Brockmann)


Postgraduate Fellow, Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course (CIQLE), Yale
University, New Haven

1999 - 2004

B.A. and M.A. in Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich


Peer Reviewed Publications


Fasang, Anette E., Stefan Bastholm Andrade, Selcuk Bedük, Zafer Büyükkececi and Aleksi Karhula, “Lives in Welfare States: Life Courses, Earnings Accumulation, and Relative Living Standards in Five European Countries”, forthcoming in American Journal of Sociology, advanced access:

Rowold, Carla, Emanuela Struffolino and Anette E. Fasang, “Life-course-sensitive Analysis of Group Inequalities in Old Age: Combining Sequence Analysis with the Kitagawa-Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition”, online first in Sociological Methods & Research


Betthäuser, Bastian, Nhat An Trinh and Anette E. Fasang, “The Temporal Dimension of Parental Employment: Temporary Contracts, Non-standard Work Schedules, and Children’s Education in Germany”, European Sociological Review jcad073,

Gruijters, Rob, Zachary Van Winkle and Anette E. Fasang, “Life Course Trajectories and Wealth Accumulation in the United States: Comparing Late Baby Boomers and Early Millennials”, American Journal of Sociology 129: 530-569.

Büyükkececi, Zafer, Anette E. Fasang and Vered Kraus, “Rising Patriarchy and Declining Economic Opportunity: Life Courses and Social Change in Egypt between 1965 and 2018” Population and Development Review 49: 561-598.

Fasang, Anette E., Emanuela Struffolino and Hannah Zagel, “Household-level Prevalence and Poverty Penalties of Working in Non-teleworkable and Non-essential Occupations: Evidence from East and West Germany in 2019”, Journal of Social Policy Research / Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 69: 85-117.


Liao, Tim F, Danilo Bolano, Christian Brzinsky-Fay, Benjamin Cornwell, Anette E. Fasang, Satu Helske, Raffaela Picarretta, Marcel Raab, Gilbert Ritschard, Emanuela Struffolino, Matthias Studer, “Sequence Analysis: Its Past, Present and Future”, Social Science Research 107: 102772.

Fasang, Anette E. and Silke Aisenbrey, “Uncovering Social Stratification: Intersectional Inequalities in Work and Family Life Courses by Gender and Race”, Social Forces 101:575-605. (Winner of the 2023 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work Family Research.)


Rodriguez-Sanchez, Alejandra, Anette E. Fasang and Susan Harkness, “Gender Division of Housework During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Temporary Shocks or Durable Change?”, Demographic Research 45:1297-1316.

Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, Sanna, Anette E. Fasang, Emanuela Struffolino and Marika Jalovaara, “Is parental divorce homogamy associated with a higher risk of separation from cohabitation and marriage?”, Demography 58: 2219-2241.

Van Winkle, Zachary and Anette E. Fasang, “The Complexity of Employment and Family Life Courses across 20th Century Europe: More evidence for larger cross-national differences than change across cohorts born 1916-1966”, Demographic Research 44: 775-810.


Liao, Tim F. and Anette E. Fasang, “Comparing Groups of Life Course Sequences using the Bayesian Information Criterion and the Likelihood Ratio Test”, Sociological Methodology: 1-42.

Van Winkle, Zachary and Anette E. Fasang, “Parenthood Wage Gaps across the Life-Course: A Comparison by Gender and Race”, Journal of Marriage and Family 80: 1515-1533.

Vandecasteele, Leen and Anette E. Fasang, “Neighborhoods, networks and unemployment: the role of neighborhood disadvantage and local networks for taking up work”, Urban Studies 58: 696-714. (Shortlisted for the Urban Studies 2021 Best Article Prize.)

Jalovaara, Marika and Anette E. Fasang, “Family Life Courses, Gender, and Mid-Life Earnings”, European Sociological Review 36: 159-178.

2019 Karhula, Aleksi, Jani Erola, Marcel Raab and Anette E. Fasang, “Destination as a Process: Sibling Similarity in Early Socio-economic Trajectories”, Advances in Life Course Research 40: 85-98. (Co-winner of the 2019 Young Scholar Award of Advances in Life Course Research for Karhula and Raab).

Raab, Marcel, Anette E. Fasang and Moritz Hess, “Pathways to Death: Physical and Mental Health in the Last Years of Life”, Demographic Research 38: 1689-1634.

Visser, Mark and Anette E. Fasang, “Educational Assortative Mating and Couples’ Linked Late-life Employment Trajectories”, Advances in Life Course Research 37: 79-90.

Studer, Matthias, Emanuela Struffolino and Anette E. Fasang, “Estimating the Relationship between Time-Varying Covariates and Trajectories: The Sequence Analysis Multistate Model Procedure”, Sociological Methodology 48: 103-135.


Jalovaara, Marika and Anette E. Fasang, “From never partnered to serial cohabitors: Union trajectories to childlessness”, Demographic Research 36: 1703-1720.

Van Winkle, Zachary and Anette E. Fasang, “Complexity in Employment Trajectories in Europe in the 20th Century – Change over Time or Stable Cross-National differences?”, Social Forces 96: 1-30.

Aisenbrey, Silke and Anette E. Fasang, “The Interplay of Work- and Family-Trajectories across the Life Course: Germany and the United States in Comparison”, American Journal of Sociology 122: 1-37.(Winner of the 2018 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research).


Fasang, Anette E. , Johannes Huinink and Matthias Pollmann-Schult, “Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der deutschen Familiensoziologie: Theorien, Daten, Methoden”, [Current trends in German family sociology: Theories, data, and methods]. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung/Journal of Family Research 28: 112-143.

Struffolino, Emanuela, Matthias Studer and Anette E. Fasang, “Education, Gender and Family Life Courses in East and West Germany. Insights from New Sequence Analysis Techniques”, Advances in Life Course Research 29: 66-79.

Madero-Cabib, Ignacio and Anette E. Fasang, “Gendered Work-Family Life Courses and Financial Well-being in Retirement”, Advances in Life Course Research 27: 43-60.


Jalovaara, Marika and Anette E. Fasang, “Are there Gender Differences in Family Trajectories by Education in Finland?”, Demographic Research 33:1241-1256.

Fasang, Anette E., “Intergenerationale Fertilitätstransmission in Ost- und Westdeutschland”, [Intergenerational Fertility Transmission in East and West Germany.] Kölner Zeitschrift für
Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 67:11-40.


Raab, Marcel, Anette E. Fasang, Aleksi Karhula and Jani Erola, “Sibling Similarity in Family Formation”, Demography 51: 2127-2154.

Fasang, Anette E. and Marcel Raab, “Beyond Transmission: Intergenerational Patterns of Family Formation in Middle Class American Families”, Demography 51: 1703-1728.

Fasang, Anette E., William Mangino, and Hannah Brückner, “Social Closure and Educational Attainment”, Sociological Forum 29: 137-164.

Fasang, Anette E. and Tim F. Liao, “Visualizing Sequences in the Social Sciences: Relative Frequency Sequence Plots”, Sociological Methods & Research 43: 643-676.


Fasang, Anette E., Silke Aisenbrey, and Klaus Schömann, “Women’s Retirement Income in Germany and Britain“, European Sociological Review 29: 968-980.

Fasang, Anette E., “Retirement Patterns and Income Inequality”, Social Forces 90: 685-711.

Fasang, Anette E., Sara Geerdes, and Klaus Schömann, “Which Type of Job Mobility Makes People Happy? A Comparative Analysis of European Welfare Regimes”, International Sociology 27: 349-383.

2011 Biemann, Torsten, Anette E. Fasang, and Daniela Grunow, “Do Economic Globalization and Industry Growth Destabilize Careers? An Analysis of Career Complexity and Career Patterns Over Time”, Organization Studies 32: 1639-1663.

Aisenbrey, Silke and Anette E. Fasang, “New Life for Old Ideas: The ‘Second Wave’ of Sequence Analysis. Bringing the ‘Course’ Back into the Life Course”, Sociological Methods & Research 38: 420- 462.

Fasang, Anette E., “Retirement: Institutional Pathways and Individual Trajectories in Britain and Germany”, Sociological Research Online 15(2).

Aleksandrowicz, Paula , Anette E. Fasang, Klaus Schömann, and Ursula M. Staudinger, “Die Bedeutung der Arbeit beim vorzeitigen Ausscheiden aus dem Arbeitsleben”, [The Meaning of Work During Early Retirement]. Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie/German Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics 43: 324-329.

2006 Fasang, Anette E. “Recruitment Practices in Symphony Orchestras. Testing a gender-neutral recruitment process”, Work, Employment & Society 20: 801-809.

Book chapters and invited contributions


Mayer, Karl Ulrich, Rolf Becker, and Anette E. Fasang, “The puzzle of flexibilization – Stability and changes in working lives in (West-) Germany: the evidence from quantitative life-course research”, In: Life Course, Work and Labour: Historical, Sociological and Anthropological Perspectives, edited by
Josef Ehmer and Carola Lentz.

Fasang, Anette E. and Karl Ulrich Mayer, “Life Course Dynamics of Social Stratification and Mobility”, In: Oxford Handbook of Stratification, edited by Markus Gangl, Javier Polajeva, Lucinda Platt and Hermann Van de Werfhorst, online first.

2022 Fasang, Anette E. and Hannah Zagel, “Der Lebensverlaufsansatz: Theoretische Grundlagen, Methoden
und Perspektiven”, In: Handbuch Familiensoziologie. Edited by Oliver Arranz-Becker, Karsten Hank and Anja Steinbach, forthcoming.
2021 Legewie, Nicolas and Anette E. Fasang. “Digital Family Research“, In: Sociology of the Family. Series “Research Handbooks in Sociology”, Norbert F. Schneider und Michaela Kreyenfeld (Eds.), Edward Elgar.
2020 Fasang, Anette E. and Karl Ulrich Mayer, “Life Course and Social Inequality“, In: Handbook of Demographic Change and the Life Course. Maria Evandrou, Jane Falkingham and Athina Vlachantoni (Eds.), Edward Elgar.
2018 Fasang, Anette E., “Demography and Social Inequality“, In: Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Wiley.
2016 Aisenbrey, Silke and Anette E. Fasang (eds.), “Introduction to Special Issue on Work and Family from a Life Course Perspective: In honor of Karl Ulrich Mayer’s 70 th Birthday“, Advances in Life Course Research, 29: 1-4.
2015 Fasang, Anette E., “Comment: What’s the Added Value? Symposium on ‘A Globally Interdependent Multiple Sequence Analysis Approach to Uncover Patterns of Linked Life Courses’”, Sociological Methodology, 45:56-70.
2014 Fasang, Anette E., “New Perspectives on Family Formation: What can we learn from Sequence Analysis?”, In: Advances in Sequence Analysis: Methods, Theories and Applications. Blanchard, Philippe, Felix Bühlmann and Jacques-Antoine Gauthier (eds). Springer: Series Life Course Research and Social Policies.

Monographs, edited volumes and policy publications


Fasang, Anette E., Martin Gädecke, Emanuela Struffolino and Hannah Zagel, „Mit Risiken rechnen: Sozialpolitik muss Individuen ebenso im Blick haben wie ihr Zusammenleben in Haushalten“, [Counting Risks: Social policy has to focus on individuals as well as on how they live together in households]. WZB Mitteilungen 170: 19-20.

Fasang Anette E., „Kitas ohne Kinder“, Guest contribution in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) on the social consequences of closing schools and day care centers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2019 Fasang, Anette E., “Junge, Alte und eine neue Politik.“ 50 Jahre WZB Jubiläumsheft zu Forschung und Gesellschaft. [Population Aging and new Politics]. https:/
2016 Aisenbrey, Silke and Anette E. Fasang (Guest Editors), “Work and Family from a Life Course Perspective“, Special Issue in Advances in Life Course Research, Volume 29.
2014 Fasang, Anette E., “Eine Ressource - nur für Bessergestellte. In ärmeren Vierteln nützen starke Elternnetzwerke den Kindern in der Schule nicht”, In: WZB-Mitteilungen, März Themen-Heft “Familie”.
2008 Fasang, Anette E., “Retirement Processes and Family Biographies”, Doctoral Dissertation, Jacobs
University Bremen, IRC publication.
2007 Fasang, Anette E., Sara Geerdes, Klaus Schömann and Liuben Siarov, “Job Satisfaction and Labour Market Mobility. Analytic Report”, European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions, Dublin.

Fasang, Anette E. , Sara Geerdes, and Klaus Schömann, “The Relationship Between Geographic and Labour Market Mobility in the European Union.” OVER.WERK Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WAV [Dutch Labor Market Journal for Policy Makers]: 3/16: 22-28.

Coppin, Laura, Peter Ester, Anette E. Fasang, Didier Fouarge, Sara Geerdes, Klaus Schömann, Peter van der Hallen and Tom Vandenbrande, “Descriptive Report on Mobility in Europe. Evaluation of the Eurobarometer 64.1.” European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions, Dublin.

Software and data


Gädecke, Martin, Struffolino, Emanuela, Zagel, Hannah, Fasang, Anette (2021): KOMPAKK - Essential occupations in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. Version 1.0.0. SowiDataNet|datorium - Dataset. DOI:

Gädecke, Martin, Hannah Zagel, Emanuela Struffolino, and Anette E. Fasang. KOMPAKK index of economic sectors closure during the first wave of COVID-19. GESIS.

Gädecke, Martin, Hannah Zagel, Emanuela Struffolino, and Anette E. Fasang. KOMPAKK index of occupations’ teleworkability in Germany. GESIS.

2015 Studer, Matthias, Anette E. Fasang and Tim F. Liao: seqrfplot, Function to create Relative Frequency Sequence Plots, included in TraMineRextras ( See Fasang & Liao 2014.


Manuscripts in Progress

Fasang, Anette E., Rob Gruiters and Zachary Van Winkle „The Life Course Boadt: A Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Variation in Family Lives across Time, Place and Social Location“, Conditionally accepted.

Büyükkececi, Zafer, Anette E. Fasang, Vered Kraus, Asaf Levanon, Evgeny Saburov, “Cumulative (Dis)advantage in Work-Family Life Courses and Earnings at Mid-Life in Israel”, Under review.

Bedük, Selçuk, Anette Eva Fasang, Susan Harkness, Stefan Bastholm Andrade, Zafer Büyükkeçeci, Satu Helske and Aleksi Karhula, “Insurance against risk? Economic cost and compensation of job loss in different welfare regimes.”, Revise & resubmit.

Betthäuser, Bastian, Miriam Sieglreitmaier and Anette E. Fasang, “Change and Inequality in Teenagers Everyday Activity Patterns”, Revise & Resubmit.

Büyükkececi, Zafer, Anette E. Fasang and Antonino Polizzi, “Gender, Family Life Courses and Income at Mid- Life in East and West Germany”, In preparation.

Niati, Binda Noella, Anette E. Fasang and Rob Gruijters: “High Hopes and Broken Promises: Generational Change in Young Adult Life Courses and Political Protest in Senegal”, In preparation.

Fasang, Anette E. and Heike Klüver: „Life Courses and Political Behavior”, In preparation.

Fasang, Anette E. “Generational Change in Life Courses - a Global Perspective”, In preparation.


Work in progress

  • Work-family life courses and later life economic outcomes
  • Welfare state effects on life courses and social inequality
  • Generational Change in Life Courses – a Global Perspective
  • Life Courses and Political Processes


Invited Talks (since 2017)

“Prevalence and Poverty Penalties of Working in Non-teleworkable and Non-essential Occupations.”
  • ESPANET conference, University of Warsaw (09/23)
  • RC 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (08/23)
  • Keynote lecture at ECSR thematic workshop, University of Bamberg (08/23)
“Generational Change, Young Adult Life Courses and Political Protest in the Global South”
  • RC 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (08/23)
  • Invited talk at Science Po, Paris (01/23)
  • Keynote lecture at the NCCR LIVES final conference, University of Geneva (11/22)
  • Invited talk at University of Copenhagen (11/22)
“Life Courses and Political Behavior”
  • Keynote lecture “Life Course Summer School”, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock (10/2021)
  • INFER Colloquium, Goethe Universität Frankfurt (05/2022)
“Lives in Welfare States: Life Courses and Social Inequality in four European countries.” (with Zafer Büyükecceci, Selcuk Bedük, Stefan Bastholm Andrade and Aleksi Karhula)
  • University of Halle (10/2019)
  • European University Institute, Florence (05/2020)
  • CREST, Paris (05/2020)
  • Bergische Universität Wuppertal (11/2020)
  • DSOC, LIS Luxembourg (05/2021)
  • DIAL Norface final conference, Brussels (10/2021)
  • Poverty Center, University of Haifa (06/2022)
“Apples and oranges? Comparing Life Course Typologies Across Countries” (with Zafer Büyükecceci, Selcuk Bedük, Stefan Bastholm Andrade and Aleksi Karhula)
  • SUDA, Stockholm University Demography Unit (05/2019)
Life course Trajectories and Wealth Accumulation in the United States: Baby Boomers and Millenials compared” (with Rob Gruijters and Zachary Van Winkle)
  • ISA Institute for Analytical Sociology, University of Linköping (06/19)
“Family Life Courses, Gender and Mid-Life Earnings” (with Marika Jalovaara)
  • Plenary Presentation at ISA RC 28 Social Stratification and Mobility conference in Frankfurt (03/2019)
“Temporal Dynamics and Social Inequality in Work-Family Life Courses.”
  • Keynote Lecture, 2017 ECSR Annual conference, Bocconi University, Milan (09/2017)
  • Nuffield College, University of Oxford (05/2017)


Conference Presentations (select, since 2017)

“Work Family Life Courses and Cumulative Earnings among Ethno-religious groups in Israel” (with Asaf Levanon, Zafer Büyükkececi, Vered Kraus and Evgeny Saburov)
  • 04/22 RC 28, London School of Economics
“How Persistent are Parenthood Wage Gaps across the Life Course? An Intersectional Comparison by Gender and Race” (with Zachary Van Winkle)
  • 09/2019 ECSR Annual Conference, Lausanne.
“Similarity in Family Formation of Friends and School Mates” (with Nicola Barban and Nicoletta Balbo)
  • 04/2019, PAA Population Association of America, Austin.
“A Medoid-Based Method for Group Comparisons of Life Course Sequence Data” (with Tim F. Liao)
  • 08/2017 PAA Population Association of America, Chicago


Grants and research expirience


“Households' labor supply arrangements and in-work poverty: longitudinal dynamics in cross-national comparison“, with Emanuela Struffolino (University of Milan) and Asaf Levanon (University of Haifa) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) (EUR 420,000).


“Haushaltsstrukturen und ökonomische Risiken während der COVID-19 Pandemie in Ost- und Westdeutschland: Kompensation oder Akkumulation? (KOMPAKK)”, [Household structures and economic risks during the COVID-19 pandemic in East and West Germany: compensation or accumulation?] BMAS, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales [Federal Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs] with Emanuela Struffolino and Hannah Zagel (EUR 86,000).


“Atypical Employment and the Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantage: Britain and Germany in Comparative Perspective”, Oxford-Berlin Strategic Partnership Seed funding with Bastian Betthäuser and Erzsébet Bukodi (EUR 15,000).


Research training group “The Dynamics of Demographic Change, Political Processes and Public Policy (DYNAMICS)”, structured graduate program combining demography and political science funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), spokesperson Heike Klüver, Principal Investigator (PI) (EUR 4 Mio).


Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), spokespersons Tanja Börzel (FU) and Michael Zürn (WZB), Principal Investigator (PI), Member of the steering committee and coordinator of the research unit “Temporality” (EUR 35 Mio).


“High Hopes and Broken Promises: Young Adult Life Courses in Senegal”, Project funded in Cluster of Excellence SCRIPTS (see above) with Andreas Eckert (History and Africa Studies HU Berlin) and Babacar Fall (History, Cheikh Anta Diop University Dakar) (EUR 475,000).


“Inequality, early adult life courses and economic outcomes at mid-life in comparative context (EQUALLIVES)”, funded in the NORFACE DIAL call (2018-2021), Country PI for Germany, with Susan Harkness (Coordinator), Jani Erola, Mads Meier-Jaeger and Thomas Leopold (EUR 1,5 Mio, German part EUR 221,500).


Offer of a Max-Planck Independent Research Group on “Demography and Inequality”, declined (EUR 1,5 Mio).


Structured Graduate Program “Health and Welfare in the 21st Century”, (with Ellen Immergut and Gabriele Metzler) from Humboldt Initiative Structured Graduate
Programs (EUR 200,000)

2013 - 2017

Conference funding “The Third Decade of Life”, Schloß Herrenhausen Hanover (with Heike Solga and Marlis Buchmann) from Volkswagen Foundation (EUR 30,000).


Grant for six months research visit from the Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock (EUR 25,000).

2011 - 2014

Funding for project group “Demography and Inequality”, WZB Berlin Social Science Center (EUR 120,000).

2005 - 2006

Analysis of the Special Eurobarometer 64.1: Geographic and job mobility in Europe, European Foundation for the Improvement of Working and Living Conditions, Dublin

  • Grant development, questionnaire design, data analysis, report writing
2005 - 2006

Qualification Needs in the OECD – Implications for Germany, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

  • Data analysis and writing of government reports

Managing social risks through transitional labour markets “”, 5th framework
programme from the European Commission, Directorate General Research

  • Research assistance in major international European Union research program

Trainee at the Hungarian National UNESCO Commission, Budapest, Hungary

  • Speech writing, research assistance, conference organization



Regular Courses (at Humboldt University if not indicated otherwise)

  • Family and Demography (BA introductory lecture, ca. 200 students), regular course since 2015
  • Methods for Social Research (BA introductory lecture, ca. 300 students), 2011/2012/2013
  • Young Adult Life Courses in the Global South (BA, with Noella Binda Niati), 2023
  • Normative Foundations of Welfare States (BA, with Stefan Gosepath, FU Berlin), 2022
  • Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations of Demography, (MA & PhD), 2020
  • Gender Inequality Across the Life Course, (MA & PhD) Corvinus University Budapest, 2020
  • The Reproduction of Social Inequality across Generations: Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives (with Stefan Gosepath, Free University of Berlin), 2019/2020/2021
  • Families across the Life Course (Project Seminar using Pairfam Data) (MA), 2014/2015/2018/2019
  • Designs, Data, Methods: Challenges in Family Research (with Sarah Carol) (MA), 2014, 2015/16
  • Demography and Inequality (MA), 2015
  • Comparing Societies from a Life-Course Perspective, graduate seminar, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute, 2015
  • Intergenerational Relations across the Life Course (BA and MA, with Marcel Raab),
  • Social Change and Family Formation (MA), 2011/2012
  • Survey Methods (with Hannah Brückner) Yale University, (BA, 2009), University of Konstanz, (MA, 2009)
  • Life Course Sociology: Theory and Methods, Jacobs University Bremen, 2008
  • Quantitative Methods in Demography and Life Course Research (MA), 2013


Advanced Methods Workshops

Sequence Analysis in the Social Sciences (with Silke Aisenbrey, Marcel Raab, Emanuela Struffolino):

  •  University of Michigan (2022)
  • European University Institute, Florence (2020)
  • Humboldt University of Berlin (2015)
  • ECSR Spring School on “Family Complexity and its Implications for Inequality” Collegio Carlo Alberto,Torino (2014)
  • Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nürnberg (2012)
  • Berlin Graduate School of Social Science (2012, 2015)
  • Turku Center for Welfare Research, University of Turku, Finland (2011)
  • Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society scholars Program, Columbia University, New York (2011)
  • Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course, Yale University, New Haven (2009)

Causal Inference in Education Research

  • University of Bamberg, Germany (2011)

Visualization in Empirical Social Research.

  • Kunsthochschule Weißensee Berlin (Berlin Art School), Workshop in Sauen (2012)

Co-Initiator and Co-organizer of Social Demography Writing Workshop at Humboldt University of Berlin and the WZB Berlin Social Science Center (with David Brady, Lena Hipp and Philipp Lersch).


Workshop and conference organization


Final workshop EQUALLIVES “Young Adult Life Courses and Economic Inequality at Mid-life”, Humboldt University of Berlin.


Final workshop of the Demography and Inequality Research Group at the WZB, WZB Berlin (with Emanuela Struffolino).


LACOSA International Conference on Sequence Analysis and Related Methods, Monte Verita (with Matthias Studer, Raffaella Piccarreta, Tim F Liao).


GGP Generations and Gender Programme User Conference, WZB Berlin (with Anne Gauthier, Laura Bernardi, Andreas Edel, Daniela Vono).


1st thematic workshop of the ECSR jointly organized with MPIDR on “Demography & Inequality” at Population Europe, Berlin (with Emanuela Struffolino, Miko Myrskylä, Andreas Edel, Merlin Schaeffer, Sarah Carol).


Member of the scientific committee of the 2016 SOEP User conference, WZB, Berlin.


European Consortium for Social Research (ECSR) Conference “Social Inequality – Are We on the Rise Again?” as a cooperation between Humboldt-University of Berlin and WZB (with Martina Diekhoff, Lena Hipp, and Heike Solga, WZB).


“Challenges in the Third Decade of Life”, Conference at Schloß Herrenhausen, funded by the Volkswagenfoundation (with Marlis Buchmann, University of Zürich and Heike Solga, WZB)


Section Meeting of the German Sociological Association (DGS) Section on Family Sociology at the WZB (with Matthias Pollman-Schult, WZB).


“An Introduction to Quantile Regression”, Tim Liao, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. WZB Berlin Social Science Center & Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS).


“Combining Descriptive and Causal Methods to Study Inequality”, Christopher Wildeman, Yale University. WZB Berlin Social Science Center & Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS).


“Biosociology: From Proteins to People (and Back)”, Dalton Conley, New York University. WZB Berlin Social Science Center & Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS).


Doctoral Thesis Supervision (at Humboldt-University of Berlin if not indicated otherwise)

First supervisor

Completed: Mareike Bünning (2016, winner ECSR best Dissertation prize), Zachary Van Winkle (2018,winner ECSR best Dissertation prize), Zafer Büyükecceci (2021, second place ECSR best Dissertation prize), Claire Samtleben (2022), Alejandra Rodriguez-Sanchez (2022, second place ECSR best Dissertation prize), Daniele Florean (2023), Abiola Oyebanjo (2023), David Kasprowski (2024)
Ongoing: Maria Hornung, Stefanie Jähnen, Carolin Deuflhard, Miriam Siglreitmaier


Second Supervisor (at Humboldt University of Berlin if not indicated otherwise):

Tabea Naujoks (2023, Hertie School of Governance Berlin), Sarah Schmauk (2023, Hertie School of Governance Berlin), Theresa Nutz (2022), Tina Baier (2019, University of Bielefeld), Janna Franke (2019), Fabian Gülzau (2019), Tim Winke (2019), Nadiya Kelle (2017), Rob Gruijters (2017), Anke Radenacker (2015, University of Potsdam), Martin Wetzel (2015), Verena Seibel (2015), Nicolas Legewie (2015), Katharina Mahne (2013), Sylvia Popp (2013), Wiebke Rösler (2012), Nicole Brose (2012)


Dissertation Committee Member (at Humboldt University of Berlin if not indicated otherwise):

Cristina Meija Samper (2022), Lucille Matthijsen (2021, University of Amsterdam), Rona Geffen (2021, Goethe University, Frankfurt), Lea Kröger (2021, European University Institute, Florence), Magdalena Krieger (2021), Luzie Ratnieece (2019, Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Tomas Cano (2019, Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) Bastian Betthäuser (2018, external examiner University of Oxford), Chiara Chomoli (2016, European University Institute, Florence) Stefan Stuth (2015), Manuela Schicka (2015, University of Geneva), Carlos Morales (2014), Gaelle Aeby (2014, University of Lausanne), Sonja Bastin (2014, Rostock University), Hannes Kröger (2013), Sophie Olbrich (2013), Christian Ebner (2012)


Regular supervision of numerous BA and MA theses.


Professional Service

Occasional reviewer journals: Acta Sociologica, Advances in Life Course Research, African Development Review, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, British Journal of Sociology, Comparative Population Studies, Demographic Research,
European Journal of Aging, European Sociological Review, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal for Labour Market Research, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Happiness Studies, Journal of Politics, Journal of Urban Affairs, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Journal of Social Policy, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Oxford University Press, Research on Aging, Social Forces, Social Science Research, Sociological Forum, Sociological Methodology, Sociological Methods & Research, Sociological Science, Sociological Theory, Soziale Welt, Work and Occupations, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform/Journal of Social Policy Research, Zeitschrift für Soziologie

Occasional reviewer research foundations and awards: Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), German Israeli Foundation (GIF), Minerva Foundation of the Max Planck Society, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin (Wiko), Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work Family Research (since 2017)

Editorial board memberships:
Ongoing: American Sociological Review (2023-), European Sociological Review (2021-)
Past: Acta Sociologica (2014-2020), Social Forces (2015-2021), Sociological Methodology (2012-2015) Zeitschrift für Familienforschung/Journal of Family Research (2015 -2022)

Professional organizations board memberships:
European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR), 2015-2021
German Academy for Sociology (Akademie für Soziologie), 2017-2019

Member: Population Association of America (PAA), ISA RC28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28), Work Family Research Network (WFRN)


Advisory board member:

  • Rat für Familienfragen (2023-)
  • Head of the academic advisory board of the FReDA Panel (German Family Demographic Panel as part of the Generations and Gender Surveys) (2020-)
  • Scientific Advisory Board of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst (2022-2024)
  • INVEST Flagship Center on Inequality and a New Welfare State, University of Turku, Finland (2019-)
  • Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM), University of Bremen (2017-)
  • Fachinformationsdienst Soziologie (FID), German Sociological Association (DGS), (2017-2019)
  • Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BIB)/Federal Institute Population Research (2016-)
  • DZA eV German Center of Gerontology (2016-2022)
  • ERC project INDIRECT (Jani Erola)
  • ERC Project NEWFAMSTRAT (Lynn Prince Cooke)


Academic advisor for the special exhibition on “Zukunft Leben: Die demografische Chance”, Naturkundemuseum Berlin. 2013.


Academic committees (at Humboldt University Berlin if not indicated otherwise)
Faculty, council and board of directors of the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS) since 2011. Faculty council (Fakultätsrat) Humboldt University Berlin, 2012-2014, 2018 - 2020. Academic council (Konzil) Humboldt University of Berlin, 2015. Curriculum committee (Kommission für Studium und Lehre) Humboldt-University of Berlin, 2015 - ongoing.
Institute council (Institutsrat), Humboldt University of Berlin, 2017-2018, 2022-ongoing