Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Department of Social Sciences

Language Courses

Language courses which take place immediately before the start of the semester at the host university (or a language school in the study destination) can be included in the period of financial support for study abroad by Erasmus+ Student Mobility. Financial support is calculated by the day. In order to apply for this financial support, certification of the completed language course along with a confirmation of registration must be handed in to Ms. Marx.



Cornelia Marx

Telefon: +49 30 2093 46725

Office: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Raum 2259

Language courses which are not undertaken in connection with a period of study abroad cannot be funded through Erasmus+, however an application can be made for a Promos Scholarship.


It is possible to receive short-term scholarships for the participation in language courses abroad that are not connected to periods of study abroad through PROMOS. The course must last for at least 3 weeks (21 days) and include at least 25 hours of study per week. The scholarships are awarded according to a quality-oriented selection process. More information is available here or through the HU PROMOS counselling service.




Katharina König


Tel: +49 30 2093 46728


Office: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Raum 2249d