Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - TEST

National Constellations of Political Conflict and European Integration

Konstantin Vössing
This project investigates the relationship between domestic patterns of political conflict and supranational integration. It is concerned with the effects of nationality on attitudes and patterns of behavior toward European integration, where nationality can be understood as nationalism, national attachment, national identity or as a location and time specific constellation of political conflict. Moreover, we seek to understand how preferences toward European integration are “produced” domestically, at different levels and for different political actors (individual, elites, parties, media, regions), and how this affects various forms of behavior at the EU level. This is crucial for evaluating the feasibility of European integration at the individual and the collective (national as well as sub-national) level. Various methodological approaches and types of data are used to investigate the preferences of different actors and social units toward the EU, including laboratory experiments, media content analysis, survey data, and comparative case studies.