Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Urban Sociology

Completed Dissertations

Regional inequality of education in Ghana - A policy dilemma in the case of the north-south divide

Adumpo, Emile Akangoa


Class, Status and Mobility - The Access To Labor and Housing of Young Italian Migrants in Berlin

Animento, Stefania


Political Participation of Immigrants – The Neighborhood

El-Kayed, Nihad


Durable Housing Inequalities -How do urban poor cope with displacement (pressures)?

Facius, Sascha


(In)Stabilities and Conflicts in Informal Urban Practices

Haid, Christian


Networks of Relevant Places

Mettenberger, Tobias


Mixed Schools, Bridging Networks?

Nast, Julia


The border of social relationships

Schulze, Henrik


Moving in or staying put

Barwick, Christine


The city and the Human as Palimpsest 

Binder, Julia


Brief and unexpected encounters in urban public space

Binken, Saskia

“We” and “They” in a divided city: boundary-work and identity-formation in post-war Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Aceska, Ana
März 2013

Armut in Mexiko-Stadt (Mexiko) und Berlin (Deutschland). Eine Studie über Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschied im Verarmungsprozess
Velasco, Mireya Arauz
Oktober 2012

Das Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas und seine Wirkung auf die Besucher
Steinberg, Katharina
August 2012

Die Privatisierung kommunaler Wohnungsbestände als Herausforderung für die europäische Stadt - Ein Freiburger Bürgerentscheid im Spannungsfeld von neoliberaler Politik und öffentlicher Daseinsvorsorge
Klus, Sebastian
Juli 2012

The strength of very weak ties - Lokale soziale Netze in Nachbarschaften und im Internet
Jonuschat, Helga
Mai 2012

Segregation als Prozess: Zum Einfluss ethnischer Grenzziehungen auf die Wohnortwahl in Berlin und Oslo
Sundsboe, Astrid
Mai 2012

Urban Governance, zivilgesellschaftliche Partizipation und lokale Demokratie: Good Fellows?
Schmidt, Gabriele
April 2012

Kreativität und Stadt. Zu Rolle, Wirkung und Formen horizontaler Kooperatiosnformen zur Beförderung von Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft"
Merkel, Janet
März 2012

Der Einfluss der ethnischen Segregation in Schule und Quartier auf die Bildungschancen von Schüler/innen mit Migrationshintergrund
Baur Christine
März 2012

Arab Families in Berlin – considering the relation between family type and integration
Omran, Aktham

Social spatial borders delimiting difference in Berlin

Carr, Constanze

User Perspectives. Residential architecture from the perspective of the user. Results from a resident survey.

Hentschel, Armin

A European City in Transformation: the case of Warsaw. Room for action, processes and contents of urban development policy in a post-socialist city.

Koch, Florian

Confrontation, Cooperation, Communal Mediation? The significance of amicable dispute reconciliations in urban settlement areas.

Kraus, Mario H.

Multilevel Urban Governance and the ‘European City’ - discussing metropolitan reforms in Stockholm and Helsinki
Giersig, Nico

Beyond creative production networks: The development of intra-metropolitan creative industries clusters in Berlin and New York City
Jakob, Doreen

New ways of guiding the development of cultural infrastructure. The coming to being and continuation of culturally political processes: chosen emerging infrastructure projects in Berlin.
Vosse, Corinna

The lifestyle conflicts of social minorities in Berlin’s Quartiersmanagement area Schöneberg Nord
Wortmann, Sabine

Urban development policy in shrinking cities: Duisburg and Leipzig.
Glock, Birgit

Investment and planning in retail. The influence of spatial planning systems and institutional investors on the structural transformation of metropolitan retail trade in Berlin and London using the example of shopping malls.
Bahn, Christopher

Artful Transformation. Art as a medium of urban upgrading.
Springer, Bettina

The restructuring of space and societal power in areas of urban renewal. The relation between basic economic conditions, changed forms of administrative management and social effects in the urban renewal of the 1990s in eastern Berlin
Holm, Andrej

Social Exclusion in Plattenbau housing areas – Poverty, Daily Life and Milieu
Keller, Carsten

Russian-Jewish immigrants in rural eastern Germany.
Körber, Karen

Life in the shadows – the set of problems surrounding illegal migration. Towards a new awareness of the living conditions of ‘illegal’ immigrants in Munich and other cities in Germany
Alt, Jörg

Housing co operations from the perspective of social urban development – potential, situation and the approaches towards reform
König, Barbara

The development of Times Square and the New York Times. An Analysis of the relationship between urban development, policy and media.
Schweitzer, Eva C.

Poor Berlin. Socio-spatial polarization, the concentration of poverty and exclusion in the 1990s.
Kapphan, Andreas

Spatial mobility and immobility as a pattern of action in the transformation of an East German rural community. An empirical analysis in southern Brandenburg.
Beetz, Stephan

The influence of rural mountain traditions and large industrial developments on social structure and the mobility of kale workers in Borna.
Bischoff, Ursula

Socio-economic transformation and new forms of social exclusion in two metropolises (Berlin and Paris).
Kuhle, Holger

“Aryanisation”, Nationalisation, Restitution. The ownership structure of urban rental apartments in the transformation of societal systems – analysed using the example of Kollwitzstraße in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg.
Reimann, Bettina

Regional economic policy in a cooperative federal state. A policy field in the process of German unification.
Nägele, Frank

Industrial Construction: On the continuity of the residential construction approach of the GDR.
Hannemann, Christine