Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - TEST

Politics of Crisis

Ellen M. Immergut









Funding 2000-2002. "Voters and Pensions:  Japan, Germany and Sweden Compared," Cooperative Project (together with Prof. Dr. Kuniaki Tanabe, Universität Tokyo, Isabelle Schulze and Sven Jochem, University of Konstanz), subproject in the Project “Politics of Crisis,” Principal Investigator Prof. Ikuo Kume, European Consortium for Political Research and Japan Political Science Association Program, "Comparative Reserach on Japan and Europe.


Immergut, Ellen M, and Ikuo Kume, Crises of Governance: Institutions and the Politics of Change in Japan and Europe (Special Issue), Governance, (2006), 19, 1.

Immergut, Ellen M, and Sven Jochem, The Political Frame for Negotiated Capitalism: Electoral Reform and the Politics of Crisis in Japan and Sweden, Governance, (2006), 19, 1 (January):99-133.