Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Allgemeine Soziologie und Kultursoziologie





Bartmanski, D. (2022) Matters of Revolution: Urban Spaces and Symbolic Politics in Berlin and Warsaw After 1989. London: Routledge.

Bartmanski, D. & I. Woodward (2020) Labels: Making Independent Music. London: Bloomsbury.

Bartmanski, D. & I. Woodward (2015) Vinyl. The Analogue Record in the Digital Age. London: Bloomsbury.


Artikel in Journals (Peer reviewed)


Alaily-Mattar, N., Bartmanski, D., Dreher, J., Koch, M., Löw, M., Pape, T., Thierstein, A. (2021) Unpacking the Effects of Star Architecture Projects. International Journal of Architectural Research, ahead-of-print:

Bartmanski, D. & M. Fuller (2018) Reconstructing Berlin: Materiality and Meaning in Symbolic Politics of Urban Space. City 22(2): 202-219.

Alaily-Mattar, N., Bartmanski, D., Dreher, J., Koch, M., Löw, M., Pape, T., Thierstein, A. (2018) Situating Architectural Performance: ‘Star Architecture’ and Its Roles in Repositioning the Cities of Graz, Lucerne and Wolfsburg. European Planning Studies 26(9): 1874-1900.

Bartmanski, D. (2018) Social Construction and Cultural Meaning: Reconstructing Qualitative Sociology. American Journal of Cultural Sociology 6(3): 563-586

Bartmanski, D. & I. Woodward (2018) Vinyl Record: A Cultural Icon. Consumption, Markets & Culture. 21(2): 171–177.

Bartmanski, D. & Binder, W. (2015) Being and Knowledge: On Some Liabilities of Isaac Reed’s Interpretivism Czech Sociological Review No. 3: 499–511.

Bartmanski, D. (2015) Refashioning sociological imagination: Linguality, visuality and the iconic turn in cultural sociology Chinese Journal of Sociology 1(1): 136–161.

Bartmanski, D. & I. Woodward (2015) The Vinyl. The Analogue Medium in the Age of Digital Reproduction. Journal of Consumer Culture 15(1): 3–27.

Bartmanski, D. (2014) The Word/Image Dualism Revisited: Towards an Iconic Conception of Visual Culture. Journal of Sociology 50(2): 164–181.

Bartmanski, D. (2012) How to Become an Iconic Social Thinker: The Intellectual Pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault. European Journal of Social Theory 15(4): 426–452.

Bartmanski, D. (2011) Successful Icons of Failed Time. Rethinking Post-communist Nostalgia. Acta Sociologica 54 (3): 213–232.

Bartmanski, D. (2007) Nowa perspektywa teorii spolecznej: o zalozeniach socjologii kulturowej Jeffreya Alexandra (A new perspective of social theory: concerning the assumptions behind Jeffrey Alexander’s cultural sociology). Kultura i Spoleczenstwo, Journal of the Polish Academy of Sciences, tom LI, nr 3: 19–40.




Bartmanski, D. (Forthcoming 2022) The Missing Link? Space in the Field of Cultural Production. In: Bartmanski, D., Füller, H., Hoerning, J. & Weidenhaus, G. (eds) Considering Space. London: Routledge.

Bartmanski, D. and Füller,H. (Forthcoming 2022) Introduction. In: Bartmanski, D., Füller, H., Hoerning, J. & Weidenhaus, G. (eds.) Considering Space. London: Routledge.

Bartmanski, D., Kim, S., Löw, M., Pape, T. and J. Stollmann (2021) Die Refiguration von Räumen durch smarte Apartmentkomplexe: Über Praktiken der Verräumlichung der südkoreanischen Mittelschicht. In: Löw, M., Sayman, V., Schwerer, J. and H.Wolf (eds.) Am Ende der Globalisierung. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 205-230.

Bartmanski, D. (2017) A Temple of Social Hope? Tempelhof Airport in Berlin and Its Transformation. In: Zubrzycki, Genevieve (ed.) National Matters: Materiality, Culture & Nationalism Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 216-240.

Bartmanski, D. (2016) Iconicity. In: The Sage Handbook of Cultural Sociology edited by David Inglis and Anna Mari-Almila. London: SAGE, pp. 538-552.

Bartmanski, D. & R. Eyerman (2016) The Worst Was the Silence. The Unfinished Drama of the Katyn Massacre. In: Narrating Trauma. On the Impact of Collective Suffering edited by Ronald Eyerman, Jeffrey C. Alexander and Elizabeth Breese. London: Routledge, pp. 237-266.

Bartmanski, D. (2014) Ein P/ostmodernes Totem. Wie man als kommunistische Ikone den Kommunismus überdauert. In: Spielplätze der Verweigerung. Gegenkulturen im östlichen Europa nach 1956 edited by Christine Gölz & Alfrun Kliems. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, pp. 202–222.

Bartmanski, D. (2013) Liminal Cityscape: Postcommunist Warsaw as Collective Representation. In: Grubbauer, M. & Kusiak, J. (eds.) Chasing Warsaw. Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change since 1990. Frankfurt and New York: Campus Verlag, pp. 133–162.

Bartmanski, D. (2012) Iconspicuous Revolutions of 1989. Culture and Contingency in the Making of Political Icons. In: Alexander, J.C., Bartmanski, D. & Giesen, B. (eds) Iconic Power. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 39–65.

Bartmanski, D. & J.C. Alexander (2012) Introduction. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life: Toward an Iconic Turn in Cultural Sociology. In: Alexander, J.C., Bartmanski, D. & Giesen, B. (eds) Iconic Power. Materiality and Meaning in Social Life. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–12.




Bartmanski, D. 2021. Imbricated. A Conceptual Morphology of Polycontexturality Special Issue 1/2021

Bartmanski, D. 2019. What Can We Learn from the Revival of Analog Record in the Digital Age? Podcast at Latest Thinking, Hamburg, Germany:

Bartmanski, D. (2016) Inside the World’s Biggest Record Collection. The Vinyl Factory. London. URL: freitas/

Bartmanski, D. (2015) Modes of Seeing, or, Iconicity as Explanatory Notion. Sociologica No. 1/2015. Online.

Bartmanski, D. (2013) How to Practice Visual and Material Culture Studies: A Cultural Sociological Perspective. Sociologica. 1/2013: 1–11.